(also known as Dr. Linda Shanti).
Art has been a helper on my journey since i was a shy child who spoke in drawings more easily than words.
After my husband died of Pancreatic cancer, art saved my as* and helped me where words were not enough. I painted and collaged my way through the first year, wrote a book about it, earned certification in grief counseling and became a Registered Expressive Arts Therapist through the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association.
All of this experience helped give birth to the expressive arts coaching programs, SoulCollage® workshops, and 1-on-1 coaching I now facilitate for others.
I understand the pain of grief and loss...and the joy of how expressive arts can hold it all: the pain and ugliness of grief as well as the butterflies of post traumatic growth. My aim is to hold space for you to find this place of growth and wisdom in yourself: to find your inner grief guide in a grief-illiterate culture.
Your home, online
A 6-Session Group for Widows
Friday afternoons, twice monthly, 1-3pm eastern time, starting March 7, 2025
Your home, online
This is a book for anyone that has lost their person.
(Or for people supporting those who have lost their person.)
In this book, I share with you the paintings made the first year after my husband died, as an invitation for you to see how you can create new meaning while traveling with loss. Tackling such topics such as anger, grief waves, the nonlinear experience of grief, and the things your person leaves behind, I provide a hand to hold while traveling the journey of grief. I invite you to build a new home inside yourself, develop new capacities, find meaning, and live your life as if it were a series of questions. I encourage you to become a phoenix.
*15% of all proceeds from this book go to Dreams From Drake (supporting children's grief), Soaring Spirits International (widow support), and Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.
A 10-Session Creative Arts Journey for Women whose Person has Died
honor your loved one, move forward with love, and make chocolate cake out ...
A 10-Session Creative Arts Journey for Women whose Person has Died
This small group program was created to help you stop listening to all the voices (grief illiterate culture, your inner critic) that tell what your grief “should” look like, and listen to your own inner wisdom to guide you on your grief journey.
In this small group coaching
A 10-Session Creative Arts Journey for Women whose Person has Died
This small group program was created to help you stop listening to all the voices (grief illiterate culture, your inner critic) that tell what your grief “should” look like, and listen to your own inner wisdom to guide you on your grief journey.
In this small group coaching program, we will use different modalities (guided meditation, left-right hand journalling, soulcollage®, universe boxes) to find your own inner grief guide. NO ART EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Really! And you will receive a free art supply box in the mail once you register.
This program provides a creative alternative or supplement to grief "talk therapy." We will use expressive arts practices (soulcollage, journalling, altered books, universe boxes, kindness rocks) to find the voice of Love, and Life, underneath the critic...and the grief. (Again, no artistic experience necessary! Really!) You will have the opportunity to connect with other women who "get it" and are on a grief journey with you.
It’s still there (your own wisdom and love).
You’re still here: alive and (sometimes) kicking.
Grief is hard.
But you're not broken.
You're grieving.
This program, aims to help you carry grief with grace.
WHAT: A 10-session Creative Arts Group Coaching Program
WHEN: 8 Friday group class sessions, 1:00-3:00pm EST, plus 2 Open Studio sessions Live, via zoom, plus online support.
Next session starts Fall, 2025
For more information/To apply: click here
This is a small group program, so space is limited!
When you register, You will receive a f
WHAT: A 10-session Creative Arts Group Coaching Program
WHEN: 8 Friday group class sessions, 1:00-3:00pm EST, plus 2 Open Studio sessions Live, via zoom, plus online support.
Next session starts Fall, 2025
For more information/To apply: click here
This is a small group program, so space is limited!
When you register, You will receive a fully stocked art supply box (oil pastels, multimedia sketch book journal, soulcollage supplies, watercolor paints, brushes, paint pens, free copy of Linda's book, wooden box to decorate, and candle for your creative altar).
· Therapy
Though the act of making expressive arts can be extremely healing, as your facilitator, I will NOT be asesssing or diagnosing anyone in the group for mental illness or prolonged grief disorder.
· Fine art class
You will not be learning how to shade things, or trying to make pretty projects to hang on your wall. You will be makin
· Therapy
Though the act of making expressive arts can be extremely healing, as your facilitator, I will NOT be asesssing or diagnosing anyone in the group for mental illness or prolonged grief disorder.
· Fine art class
You will not be learning how to shade things, or trying to make pretty projects to hang on your wall. You will be making some pretty amazing creative expressions, like soulcollage® cards, altered books, and a Universe box, that you can use as an ongoing spiritual practice to access your inner wisdom. There is NO PREVIOUS ART EXPERIENCE REQUIRED.
· Focused on "trauma bonding."
You can talk about your person. Crying is welcome! But we will not be sharing any details about how deaths occurred or encouarging the belief that you are broken as a result of what happened to you. This group is to support each other in moving forward, making and creating new meaning.
I had the experience of experimenting with art and not believing the thoughts of my inner critic...HUGE!
I love experimenting and playing with color. I don't have to be an "artist "to do this and enjoy it!!!
Opening up creativity in one area leads to creativity in other areas for me, too… so fun!...
...all of this inside of the direct EXPERIENCE in your group of being tenderly supported in experimenting
in the beautiful way you taught us to leave the critic aside. So fun! -Jeanne, Ashland, MA
... to a fellow widow. This has been an opportunity to express the unspeakable, be a witness for others, be seen and heard as I am and not as non-widows want me to be. A sisterhood like no other."
"The sense of community, being seen, and being able to express without judgement were the most fulfilling part of the program. I spend much of my 'outside' life sucking it up, holding it in, and not emoting. Having a safe place to do all those things was/is amazing!"
"Participating in this group made me realize how much I need to express emotions and experiences that I cannot formulate words to describe... words... just fail me when I think of losing (my husband), his illness, his death and his absence." -Kay, Pacifica, CA
To receive a free excerpt of Linda's book, After Your Person Dies, as well as video introducing you to the practice of Soulcollage(r) (This practice is profound. You will see. It can help you access your own inner wisdom), join our community by completing the form below!
To receive a free excerpt of Linda's book, After Your Person Dies, as well as video introducing you to the practice of Soulcollage(r) (This practice is profound. You will see. It can help you access your own inner wisdom), join our community!